Connecting Space Regions presents: 

EEN-Fraunhofer Space Community Get-Together  

November, 18th, 2024 (onsite, 16:00 to 20:00 CET)

For the third time, the Enterprise Europe Network and Fraunhofer AVIATION & SPACE will host the Fraunhofer-EEN Space-Community Get-Together. This annual meet-up, held on the eve of Space Tech Expo Europe 2024 in Bremen, offers a unique opportunity to connect with fellow space enthusiasts over a drink, exchange innovative ideas, and potentially meet new partners just before the expo begins.

Join us on Monday, November 18, 2024, at the ECOMAT, Cornelius-Edzard-Str. 15, 28199 Bremen!

This year’s edition will feature keynotes from an accomplished Start-Up and the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen as well as pitches from New Space Start-Ups. After this, an open get-together will follow in the form of a Market Square featuring poster or laptop presentations from selected Start-Ups, with drinks and snacks. Both for the pitches and for the posters, every Space Start-Up or innovative Space company can apply (see below). This is the preliminary agenda:

4 PM Doors open, coffee

4.30 PM Welcome from EEN and Fraunhofer

4.35 PM Keynote Berlin Space Technologies, TBD

4.50 PM Keynote Free Hanseatic City of Bremen, Siegfried Monser

5.05 PM Start-Up Pitching Session (5 Minutes each plus short discussion)

5.45 PM Get-together, Market Square, drinks and snacks

8 PM Doors close

Start-Ups eager to pitch during the pitching session or presenting during the market square format are invited to apply  now and by 31 October at the latest! Please send an email including company name, presentation topic, type of presentation (ie. poster, laptop, other) and info material to

Please use SCGT24: START-UP APPLICATION in the reference line. For questions about the event, you may use the same address.

The event on Novembeer 18, 2024 is organized by Fraunhofer Aviation & Space and host organizations of Enterprise Europe Network, Sector Group Aerospace & Defence:

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